Businesses Are Increasingly Looking to Private Cloud

From Target in 2011 to Sony and Evernote in 2013, from Home Depot in 2014 and Anthem in 2015, security breaches continue. Executives fume, customer service rushes to manage a damaged reputation and IT says they warned everyone. Security is issue number one for companies that do business in the cloud.

As security needs rise, companies MUST consider outsourcing their internal IT departments. Why you ask? Quite simply, a private cloud solution managed by an outsourced provider is more cost effective, safer, and easier to manage.


As the name implies, public cloud is available to anyone with the money to pay the service provider. Companies share servers, with space allocated by the vendor. This is the most common way that companies deal with their cloud computing needs. Companies are saved time and effort because the service provider does the work, from setup and maintenance to upgrades. In addition, the provider’s technicians are highly skilled In Cloud Management because it’s all they do. They aren’t tasked with fixing in-house work PC’s and other tasks that may withdraw them from Cloud Management.

Most cloud computing offerings were initially public. Businesses realized quickly that cloud computing would revolutionize the way they handled their computing needs, giving them flexibility, accessibility and savings over storing and managing data in-house.

As security continues to be of paramount concern, companies are now demanding a better solution. That solution comes in the form of a Private Cloud. Companies are now switching from their own in-house IT computing to Private Managed Cloud solutions. Switching to private cloud reduces costs by reducing in-house technicians to manage the solution. This is a game changer in terms of cost reduction. In addition, companies can now lean on the vast experience and support backing that Private Cloud Providers afford.


Let’s face it… security experts are expensive. A good security expert salary probably falls outside of the range of many small to medium sized businesses.

And most industries require the highest levels of security and, in fact, are required by government regulations and industry standards to implement security best practices. This is especially true of firms that deal in trading and other financial areas, healthcare, developers and service providers.

Therefore, it is crucial that business owners choose an outsourced Private Cloud if they want to maintain the highest level of security.

If you are concerned with consumer data safety, a private cloud environment is the obvious choice. With globalization and the Internet, many companies now have a multinational presence.

This provides many chances for greater revenue, but also increases the risk to files, databases and communications. With a private cloud solution, you reduce the risk because you have control of access, procedures and data. In addition, being managed by an outsourced Private Managed Cloud solution gives you piece of mind.


With private cloud, because resources are privately shared, companies can create their own VPNs, or virtual private networks. Staff connecting to the main network from outside the company can roam the Internet, send emails and access data with security. Connectivity over a private network assures you that your data is safe from intruders.

With dedicated IPs and networks, you don’t have to worry about the dangers of sharing. It reduces the chances of spying, stealing data and being at the mercy of malware and viruses.


Along with greater security, you have more consistency and reliability with a private cloud system. Since you are the only one using your network of servers, the performance is more predictable, allowing the work to flow at a steady pace.

The setup is inherently more adaptable because you can shift private resources at will, allocating them from one server to another. This makes it more efficient and potentially reduces costs because you can make the best use of your hardware.

Private cloud is more flexible because your can design your own configuration, giving you the setup you need for the particular needs of your business. You can tailor it to your preferences and how your staff likes to do things. You can also reallocate resources in minutes, whether it is to give you more RAM or disk space.

Private cloud is the exact opposite of one-size-fits-all configurations. You can design to fit computing requirements and budget needs. Every business has precise needs and custom ways of handling their computing. With a private cloud, your IT department can customize to its heart’s content.

Being able to design your own ‘virtual’ data center will also reduce costs. There is no need to buy hardware and place it in-house – again, saving you MONEY.

Finally, you are backed completely by the Private Managed Cloud provider. The hardware companies in turn back the provider for the servers, software vendors, and highly skilled support engineers. There simply is not a cheaper or more secure way to run your cloud environments. In fact, most cloud providers offer SLA’s which protect your infrastructure even more.

If you’ve read this far, no doubt you are seriously considering an alternative to your in-house IT… and I can’t stress it enough… outsource your IT needs to save time, money, resources while at the same time improving uptime, security, and service.

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